These popular Bollywood mothers are some time the symbol of valour like "Nargees", showed in "Mother India",She played such a typical and serious role of being the mother of her contemprery stars-"Sunil Datta",and "Rajendra Kumar",but "Nargees"played this role very beautifully. She got lots of praise for her acting and dialogue delivery."
Mother India",honored with Filmfare award,and also nominated for most honorable award"Oscar",she is also popular with this tag line of her movie"Mother India"
Lets introduce you the another Fashinable and cute mother of Bollywood ,"
Kiran Kher",and "Farida Jalal",The colorful petals of "Kiran Kher's acting can be noticed in her popular blockbuster movies like"Devdas"in which she was an on screen mother of Aishvarya rai"Paro",her comic role is also praised in movie "Dostana","
Khoobsurat","Om Shanti Om",
Another on screen mother "Reema Lagu "she is also tagged as "Rajshree's mother "because she has been acted as on screen mother role in many movies of Rajshre's like "Maine Pyar kiya".Reema Lagu best fit to the role of middle class faced women ,who is the remark of morals,beauty and confidance .Reema Lagu has been played a role of on screen mother of many popular actor/actress of Bollywood like Salman Khan in "
Maine pyar kiya","Hum sath sath hai",Madhuri Dixit in "
Hum apke hai kaun"...and many more hit movies of bollywood banners.
The mother of mother's of bollywood ,and all time on screen mother of bollywood millenium star"Amitabh Bachchan"is credited with "Nirupa Rai',"Deewar" the popular tagline of Deewar is still popular that"Mere pass Ma hai",the unconditional devotion of a child with her mother was beautifully painted in "
Deewar",Another hits of "Nirupa roy "are-"
Amar Akbar Anthony","Suhaag',"Khoon Paseena","Poorab aur Pashchim'',etc These Bollywood legend mothers have beautifully carved the real character of a mother actually. For there remarkable contribution they are the evergreen stars of industry.